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About Us

Our principles guide us.

While technology and science are expected to contribute to the development of humankind with each passing year, the fact that the “World Overshoot” date keeps coming forward clearly tells us this: The problem is not in technology, but in culture, in our perspective. We already have the technology and science to play a very effective role in mitigating the environmental impacts of global warming and finding solutions for sustainability. However, in addition to these developments, conscious consumption habits and lifestyles in harmony with nature must be internalized at the individual and societal level. Humankind must take steps to build a more sustainable future by using the opportunities offered by technology in harmony with nature, giving up excessive consumption habits and not exceeding the limits of our planet. We have to leave a healthy world where future generations will feel safe and secure. The right to housing is a universal fundamental right. We do not look at housing as a commercial instrument that can be bought and sold for profit, but as a product that people can live in peace and that everyone has a right to. We are aware that a world where every individual can own a house where they can live in peace, where they can feel safe and secure in their future is a reality, just as it was in the not too distant past. People throughout history have designed and built their own homes before the capitalist system we live in went off the rails, history shows us that everyone can have a home of their own, it is not a dream and we know it can happen now.
As a design studio focused on social and sustainable housing, we don’t believe that there is only one solution. Especially when it comes to architecture, many parameters such as different times, places and people come into play, and we think that a complicated problem like social housing has more than one solution and solution path. In this way, we prioritize our achievements in the process, not the solutions. It can be combining old materials with new technologies, using or introducing a brand new technology, sometimes even social or physical experiments or their documentation. Architecture, industrial design, graphics, film, installations; with an interdisciplinary perspective, our ultimate goal is to explore different ways of building and living in housing, to offer affordable, affordable and intelligently planned housing solutions that embrace minimal living using natural energy sources, where people feel comfortable and valued, and to create alternatives to today’s traditional housing sector. In this way, it is our job to try many different alternatives, to think, analyze, reapply, document our conclusions and inform the society. As a research and practice studio that combines theory and practice, we are in an unknown process that may never end. The only thing we know for sure is that something has to change.

Belen Toker

Architect with a focus on social housing, sustainabilility and renewable energy.  

Esatcan Torun

Agriculture and nature enthusiast, geological engineer and entrepreneur.

Ece Turlin

Marketing expert and entrepreneur with an interest in sustainability.